lending it historic roles in the American Revolution.
Mt. Beacon South Peak
The Fire Tower
Fire Tower Here We Come!
The Road To The Tower
Where Have I Seen This Before?
Well the mountain has it's share of T.V. and radio towers and there is a road that is used to maintain the transmitters and buildings. (There is also a road that leads to Beacon Reservoir, another area i wished i could have visited, Jim told me of an interesting tale of what happened there a while back, but it was getting late and the party was tired, perhaps on another visit.) I was told the cars didn't get up there on their own, but were towed up there by heavy duty tow trucks.
were operating in the summit's heyday. Roberta told me that one of them was still standing, a sort of Victorian styled cottage. On our way back we were going to visit the cottage, but the girls were kind of tired (my legs at that point were heavy as lead too). The next time i visit, i'll make it a point to check it out.
On To The Fire Tower
Mt. Beacon North Peak
We're Here!!!
they took a break!
The Ski Area
About A Quarter Of The Way
First Views Of The Hudson River Valley
After climbing the stairway, you get your first views of the Hudson River Valley.
This picture, as you can see in the background, gives you a good idea of the railway grade.
I was told that the stairs had to be constructed twice, the first time they used concrete, but they began to crumble after a short time and were replaced by steel.
That's Tanya and her dog Finora leading the way (i'm sure i have the dog's name wrong, anyway Finora loves turkey & cheese sandwiches, i shared mine with her) Tanya lives in Manhattan and is originally from Spain, she told me Mount Beacon is her escape from New York City madness.
This is the 300 ft. stairway that's the start of the Red Trail. This stairway was built over very steep and rocky terrain, to the right of the stairway is where the incline railway started it's steep ascent to the summit.
Stairway To Beacon
It is also the closest the Red Trail comes to the incline bed until you get to the Power House on the summit. (The Red Trail loops around the incline rail bed unlike Mt. Tom's incline bed which is it's trail, i asked Jim Bopp if many people take the "short cut" up the incline bed instead of the Red Trail, he looked at me with this grin on his face. Then i remembered the average grade of 65% and the 74% grade the last 800 ft. of the incline, some "short cut")
A few hikers begin their journey, the guy in the black shirt was a guide, as you can see i started out with him around the same time, but after about ten minutes of hiking, i wouldn't see him again till i got to the summit about 50 minutes later. I did manage to see him ahead of me throughout the hike to the summit, but i had to stop every once in a while to huff & puff, so i never could catch up.
Pictured is Jim Bopp. Jim is a trustee of the Mt. Beacon Incline Railway Restoration Society
The kiosks had some interesting information on the history of the mountain and railway,
There is a road further up the Red Trail that appears to be a dead end, when i asked Jim about this he said it lead to an area where there was debris of the two cable cars that were destroyed in the fire of 1983.
Pathway To The Red Trail
The two girls were Pat and Helen, Pat was from Boston and Helen lived in town though she had lived in Somerville Ma. Helen asked me if i was the guy who owned the red truck with the Patriots stickers, i replied yes, am i going to be shot? (thinking she was a Giants or Jets fan)
she said she hated the Giants, was a Buffalo Bills fan. What a relief!!!
Hey!!! I Remembered His Name!!!
and is also the Property Manager of the Mountain. He also holds the distinction of being the last man to operate the Incline Railway in 1978. He's looking forward to operating the railway once again when it's restored. A big thanks to Jim for sharing his expert knowledge of the railway.
Mt. Beacon Park Entrance
click on the photos for a better look.